Monday, 21 February 2011


My blog begins on a 'sick day' - it's ok, I'm self employed and work with my husband, John. I took Friday off for my birthday, went down with the second dose of the horrible cold thing on Saturday and have been feeling sorry for myself. I go in to work today on half speed or tomorrow tip top. I hate being ill and daytime tv is terrible!

Eighteen months ago I decided I wanted to make a scrapbook for John and my 25th Wedding Anniversary - June 2012. So the main purpose of my blog is to document my album (just hope JT doesn't spot this in the meantime!)

I've tried to incorporate bits and bobs I've had lying around, so perhaps a bit less designer that most books. My thanks go the ladies I meet at Embsay for their kind inspiration and laughter. Also to my friend Kay who puts up with my scrapbooking capers - Kay is into patchwork and darned good at it, she can't really get her head around tearing up bits of paper and photos and sticking them back together!!

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